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Polar / Subpolar

BROOKTROUTSPM: Improving the knowledge of the threatened brook trout and its habitat


St. Pierre and Miquelon

Thematic scope

Species conservation

Implementing partners

Federation Territoriale des Associations Agrees pour la Peche et la Protection des Milieux Aquatiques

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59,788.97 €

Description: The project focused on enhancing understanding and conserving the brook trout and its habitat in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (SPM), renowned for its unique brook trout population. Insufficient knowledge regarding the species’ biology and ecology hampered effective management strategies. BROOKTROUTSPM conducted an extensive survey, analysing 300 brook trout across six target areas, covering 2.55 km2 of freshwater, unveiling critical spawning grounds. The findings revealed community interest in angling for brook trout above 40 cm, yet indicated limited potential for eco-tourism development. This grassroots initiative engaged local stakeholders, including anglers, students, and the public, offering essential data on brook trout biology crucial for understanding their life cycle and identifying vital conservation areas. Additionally, a detailed hydro-system classification of the archipelago was established, providing a spatial resolution of 5 m and 1 m, aiding habitat conservation efforts. The project’s outcomes laid the foundation for improved ecological connectivity, habitat restoration, and sustainable eco-tourism opportunities while addressing the scarcity of knowledge surrounding this species in SPM.

Duration: 19 months

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