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Polar / Subpolar

ITAGED – Conservation of threatened top marine predators of the French Southern Territories: Identifying Threats And Getting Essential Data


French Southern and Antarctic Territories

Thematic scope

Climate change
Protected areas

Implementing partners

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Délégation régionale Centre Limousin Poitou-Charentes and BirdLife International

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99,657.00 €
© Charles-André Bost

Description: The project, dedicated to the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF), extensively studied 4 endangered seabird species at Amsterdam and Saint Paul Islands. It involved thorough investigations to delineate crucial marine habitats and their interaction with fisheries, creating predictive models for shifts in foraging locations amid diverse climate scenarios. Comprehensive analyses of tracking data during pivotal biological stages were conducted, aiding in the identification of marine Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (mIBAs) essential for conservation efforts. This collaborative venture between CEBC and BirdLife strengthened innovative methodologies and enhanced staff capabilities. Findings revealed that significant foraging zones extended beyond the former reserve, warranting extension to the limits of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Notably, these zones exhibited substantial overlap, ranging from 5 to 50%, with deep-sea line fishing. While published maps and analyses were available, the development of a predictive model for diverse climate scenarios remained ongoing. The project significantly contributed valuable insights for informed marine conservation and management strategies in the region.

Duration: 12 months

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