Description: The project aimed to safeguard the Fatu Hiva Monarch and Tahiti Monarch, endemic bird species facing extinction. Conservation strategies included controlling predation threats, monitoring populations, and developing a Species Action Plan for 2018-2023. Communication efforts engaged 750 volunteers in restoration activities to plant over 1,000 native trees across 8 hectares. Notable outcomes include a 10-11% increase in adult bird populations, with improved reproductive success (0.83-1.33) and expanded ranges (32-50%). Juvenile survival rates (88-94%) and biosecurity practices were enhanced; that is, feral cat control was doubled to 585 hectares, black rat predation was decreased and fire ant colonisation was reduced by 85%. Additionally, 10 hectares were cleared of invasive species while a sustainable management charter for 3 invasive alien species was established.
Duration: 28 months