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Our projects

Description: The project aimed to restore the quantity and quality of water resources in the Ourovéni watershed, resulting in significan…
Description: The project successfully achieved its objectives of modeling six sites and calculating new indicators for these sites, prov…
Description: The project successfully raised awareness among various stakeholders about the socio-economic and environmental issues rela…
Description: The project successfully transmitted basic knowledge on invasive alien species (IAS), achieving notable outcomes across var…
Description: The project aimed to raise awareness about invasive alien species (IAS) among stakeholders, particularly schoolchildren and…
Description: The project aimed to describe new bat species, with a specific focus on the acoustic types Chiroptera sp1 and Chiroptera sp…
Description: The project aimed to assess seabird populations, fill knowledge gaps, and update baseline information through passive acous…
Description: The project aimed to identify key butterfly habitat areas and develop conservation action plans to benefit endemic butterfl…
Description: The MAC-RODO project successfully achieved its objective of assessing the capacity of rhodolith bottoms to store carbon, co…
Description: The project successfully increased baseline data collection and assessed the threat status of the Manx Shearwater (Puffinus…

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